The ChemoTracker application is designed to help medical researchers with the tracking of white blood cells in a sequence of microscopy images.
In these images, a set of white blood cells are moving in a prepared chemical environment. The goal is to measure and characterize their motion, so a motion tracking is required. Although it can be done manually by clicking on all cells in every image, it takes lots of time and should be automated as much as possible. As the image processing part is not always trivial, a semi-automatic approach is proposed: the application will provide several smart tools to do the majority of the job, but the user is given full control. To ensure high quality results and to get the users trust, the user can always modify all details of the motion tracking. In optimal cases, this does not need to be done, but if the situation is more complex, highly ergonomic user interface tools are provided to get the help of the user and continue with respect to those changes.
Detailed content is pending due to publication considerations of ongoing research.